Component 2: Section B: Audience




Social class

Sexual orientation

Self Audience Profile:

  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Income: Student
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Ethnic Background: White British
  • Activities: Piano, Hammer throw, Art
  • Attitudes: Feminist
  • Personality and Values: Family oriented, slightly materialistic
  • Benefits: Gain knowledge and inspiration, Escape, Fun/ Entertainment
  • Usage Rates: 8-10 hours a day

Grouping and Categorising Media Audiences:

  • Psychographic profiles may be created, this includes information about average reader’s tastes and spending habits, how much money they spend on beauty products each month etc.
  • The National Readership Survey (NRS) categorises audiences using demographic variables such as age, sex, ethnicity and marital status, as well as socio – economic status or social grade. In this system readers are given a grade based on the occupation of their chief income earner in their household.


Demographic/ Psychographic for Vogue:

  • Age: 35 (Average Age in 2016)
  • Social Grade: (35%) AB (67%) ABC1
  • Gender: Female (Cover Image)
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual (Illegal to be homosexual until 1967)
  • Race/ Ethnicity: White British

Psychographic Groups:

  • Hobbies: Fashion, Theatre, Leisure activities, Shopping (High end designer brands), Picnics (Beaches, Yachts), Holidays
  • Attitudes: Possibly Feminists due to the changes occuring at this time, MATERIALISTIC, Capitalists

A, B, C1 Brands:

  • Chanel
  • Rolex
  • Gucci
  • Dolce and Gabanna

C2, D, E Brands:

  • Cillit Bang
  • Londsdale
  • Primark

Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory (Pg 177):

  • The idea that exposure to repeated patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way in which people percieve the world around them (i.e cultivating views and opinions)
  • The idea that cultivation reinforces mainstream values (Dominant Ideologies).

In what ways to magazines lend themsleves to Gerbner’s theory?

  • Beauty- Photoshopping woment to look perfect, converys unrealistic standards and reinforces stereotypes
  • They create trends – i.e new clothing trends, they influence audiences to buy and wear certain things.
  • Reinforces ideas of Heteronormativity – Dominant Ideologies

Hall’s Reception theory:

  • Consider how aspects of the reader’s identity might effect the way thye read or respond to the product
  • How might their own attitudes, values and beliefs affect the way in which they interpret the representation the magazines offer?

Preffered reading of Vogue 1965: She is a strong, independant powerful woman

Oppositional: Men, mysogonists might oppose this representaion

Negotiated: In the middle




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